/Pyramid of the Sun
Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacan, believed to have been constructed about 200 CE. It is one of the largest in Mesoamerica. Found along the Avenue of the Dead, in between the Pyramid of the Moon and the Ciudadela, and in the shadow of the massive mountain Cerro Gordo, the pyramid is part of a large complex in the heart of the city.

By tour bus – most travel agencies offer half or full day tours to the site, often combined with the Plaza de las Tres Culturas and the Basilica of Guadalupe, both of which are outside the city center.

By bus – Buses to Teotihuacán leave from Mexico City every 20 minutes from Terminal Autobuses del Norte (outside Autobuses del Norte Metro station, Line 5. Walk all the way to the left once you enter the terminal building to Sala (gate) 8.

By car (or taxi) – In addition, it takes about 45 minutes from the Mexico City, city center if you use the toll highway. It takes much longer, but more interesting, if you use the old free road. Finally, there is a small fee for parking at the site.